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Become A Member

Cade is being connected in meaningful relationships.

At Cade, we are a family impacting the world for Christ. Getting you connected to other members, ministries, and opportunities to grow is how we build and maintain fellowship within the family. Impact our community and the world with the hope and love of Jesus by connecting with us today!

How do I connect with Cade?

The first step to connecting with Cade is becoming a member of our church family. When the pastor extends an invitation for anyone interested in becoming a disciple of Christ, come down to the front of the sanctuary.  There, you will be met with the open arms and smiling faces of other ministers and church staff. If you have already decided on joining the Cade family, you may pre-register by filling out our intake form. When you come to Cade, just give us your name. We will have your information ready to get you connected with us.

Do I have to come to the front of the church?

Cade Chapel is a church that is congregational in its form of governance. All this means is that we move together as a family, we decide together as a body and we minister to one another as brothers and sisters. It is important to preserve this facet of our faith as it fosters both fellowship and accountability between each other. The brief time up front says publicly to the congregation, "I choose Cade." And we affirm that choice together as a family.

What happens next?

After membership intake, you will be registered into New Member's Orientation. This is a class that meets for six weeks, during which you will meet other new members, form new relationships, and learn more about your new church home. It's that simple. What are you waiting for?

Click here to fill out our intake form

Click here to learn about our ministries

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